Bred Bite: Liguria

Bred Bite: Liguria

Bred Bite: Liguria

by Dejou Marano

Liguria is a symphony of land and sea, where ancient maritime traditions meet Riviera revelry. But to assume that Liguria is just a playground for the jet set or even worse, a cardboard image plastered on the walls of one too many restaurants, would be a grave misinterpretation of one of Italy’s most compelling regions.

With its notorious history as a powerfully wealthy nautical empire, Liguria has been an incubator of discovery and revolution, forever impacting the course of world history with the birthing of such native sons as Cristoforo Colombo, Giuseppe Garibaldi and Giuseppe Mazzini, and playing key roles in such legendary endeavors as the Spanish Armada and the unification of Italy. Liguria’s unbridled natural beauty has cradled and inspired titans of literature, music and architecture, among which include Oscar Wilde, Niccolo Paganini and Renzo Piano. But amongst its legends, losses and triumphs, perhaps what makes Liguria such a mysterious and captivating place, is its people. Like the rings of a tree, the rich heritage of the region is chronicled in the proud faces of the Ligurians, living reminders of what once was and what continues to be uniquely great.

Liguria is a region that many have claimed to know, but few have ventured to scratch the surface of, to uncover the miraculous treasure trove of culture that hides beneath. Pause for a moment to observe the old fishermen, their faces weathered by countless harsh mornings out at sea and the warmth that emanates from their well worn smiles. Watch the cliffside farmers as they harvest olives, lemons and grapes from the same terraces that their families have cultivated for hundreds of years. These are the faces of Liguria. Not the sunglasses and tans that you see in glossy magazines, but real people, living real lives, in the unassuming paradise of their own design.

Hungry for more Liguria? Sign up for CountryBred’s Fresh Bred newsletter to receive our special January edition featuring the Liguria and Abruzzo regions of Italy. Here’s a taste of what’s in store:


– All Heart In Genoa
– Vernazza: A Quaint Corner of Cinque Terre
– In The Footsteps of Poets: Sestri Levante & Lerici
– Wines of Liguria: Pigato & Macajolo
– Flavors of Liguria


– The Abruzzo Landscape: Mountaintop Castles, Medieval Villages and Much More.
– Postcard from Sulmona
– The Golden Triangle: Loreto Apruntino, Pianella & Moscufo
– Wines of Abruzzo: Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, Trebbiano d’Abruzzo & Cerasuolo
– Flavors of Abruzzo

7 thoughts on “Bred Bite: Liguria”

  1. MariElizabeth Gascon Parra

    Such beauty through your words! You certainly capture the essence and magic of this magnificent, delicious and spellbinding country. More please…

  2. Pingback: Flavors of Liguria | The Bred Blog

  3. Pingback: Genoa, Cinque Terre & Italy

  4. Pingback: Vernazza: A Quaint Corner of Cinque Terre | The Bred Blog

  5. Blumen Riviera

    You’ve hit the nail on the head with this post- I think Liguria still has the essence that is the real Italy and la dolce vita!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and we’re glad you enjoyed our post! Liguria is indeed an incredible region, full of history, amazing cuisine and unique culture. We’re always happy to hear from those that have a deep appreciation for the region too! Salute!

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